• Saremo presenti al Padiglione 7 Stand 31
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  • Presentazione dell'offerta formativa, delle linee di ricerca e le opportunità lavorative di ciascun corso di Laurea Triennale.
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Welcome to the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (DSA3) – University of Perugia

The research topics of the DSA3 are related to basic and applied research on Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences.

The DSA3 was established on January 1st, 2014. It assembles and expands the skills and the legacy of the former Faculty of Agriculture, which was established in 1936 and whose origins date back to the late of nineteenth century, when the “Istituto Agrario Sperimentale” of Perugia was founded.

The Department hosts 20 laboratories, 4 open field experimental stations, 4 experimental stables and 1 pilot food technology plant. A microbial culture collection, a plant and an animal germplasm banks of agricultural interest, and a “Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Sustainable Development” laboratory are also hosted into the DSA3.

Some researchers of DSA3 are also associated to a few Research Centers of the University of Perugia:

  • Center of Excellence for Beer Research (CERB);
  • Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CESAR);
  • Pollen Monitoring Center;
  • Interuniversity Research Center on Pollution and the Environment "Felli" (CIRIAF).

DSA3 is also an Institutional Member of the International Society for Animals Genetics (ISAG).

The Department is currently led by Prof. Gaetano Martino, Professor of Agricultural Economics.
