Courses and Lecturers
Year |
Semester |
Module |
Lecturer |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Quantitative genetics |
Genomic analysis and principles of bioinformatics |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Environmental microbiology |
Industrial microbiology |
1 |
2 |
Advanced plant breeding |
Advanced animal breeding |
2 |
1 |
2 | 1 | Economics of biotechnology | Bianca Maria Torquati | |
2 |
1 |
Insect biotecnology |
Molecular plant pathology |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Final dissertation
Admission to the graduation session is based on 104 credits. The final test (16 credits) consists in the presentation and discussion of a dissertation to a Graduation Committee composed of professors and appointed by the Rector. The Committee will assign the final graduation marks (on a 110th basis) taking into account the discussion and the entire curriculum of the candidate.
Internship can be carried out at public institutions or in private companies affiliated with the Department. The Internship is concluded by a written report evaluated by the tutor.
Students have the opportunities to spend a study period at a foreign institution within the Erasmus mobility and Extra EU opportunities.
Erasmus + for Studies
The Erasmus + program allows students to carry out educational activities at foreign universities. The study period can span from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 12 months. Every year, generally in February, the University calls for applications for European Universities. From 2023-24 academic year students can get a double degree if acquire 40 credits at MATE University of Godollo, Hungary.
Erasmus + for Traineeship
Internship can also be carried out in another university, company or research center based in a country participating in the Erasmus Program. If the internship is carried out during the course of study, it allows to acquire credits. Internship can also be carried out after graduation but it is necessary that the application be submitted before graduation.
Extra-EU opportunities
The University of Perugia has over 100 Cultural Agreements with institutions around the world. Every year, generally in April, the University issues a call for the selection of students.
Job Placement
A Departmental Job Placement service (JP-DSA3) is active with the objectives to create a community among DSA3 graduates. The service manages a mailing list of graduates, a curricula database, organizes meetings to match job demand and offer and promotes a network among graduates.